Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day in the Life - Wednesday

For school today we got a late start. The baby has been sick and up all night so mom has had to sleep in a bit.

I forget to mention it, but every day we read at least one chapter in The Book of Mormon. Most hsers start their school day with some sort of devotional. We start our day with scriptures and morning prayers. We have a neat program we were following at night as a family - every month was a theme and there was a scripture, hymn, and children's hymn for each month, plus a new scripture each day. For a couple months we followed it and I had the kids repeat the scripture after me. It felt a little much with morning scriptures as well and we only did it when dad was around which wasn't quite consistent enough to form a habit. Maybe we'll reintroduce that as part of school.

Today we played our math 10's game right after breakfast, then I let the boys run around the yard (first day with NO rain!), while I got ready for the day.

After I put the baby down for a nap I joined them in the playset again with my pile of school books. We were planning to read just one or two chapters of Bridge to Terabithia but it was right at the crucial point and for the first time in the whole book they begged me to not stop reading. I read all but the last chapter until Prince's attention was waning too much.

I went inside to check on the baby and found dad home and baby awake. A bit later I went back out with the baby and read the last chapter but the baby got really cranky (still feels awful) so I took her back to dad. When I came back out the two neighbor girls were home from school. The girls are a couple years older and rarely include the boys in their play. Since they were playing together I hated to break them up for school.

After that they helped their dad set up his workshop so that's all we got done today. I'm happy we did literature and math. Two subjects isn't bad - it's why we school year round and started Kindergarten at 4 1/2.

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