Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day in the Life - Monday and Tuesday

Monday was a wash. Dad stayed home from work and mom was still trying to restart her engine after being lazy and spoiled on mother's day. They learned a lot about yard work and finances - were paid to help dad gather sticks. We squeezed in a reading lesson in the afternoon.

Yesterday for school the boys asked if we could go outside. It was the first warm dry day we've had all week (of course it poured in the afternoon so still not nice weather around here) so I said sure.

We sat on a rock and did our sign language work. We have a deck of flash cards with the printed word on one side (good reading practice!!) and the sign on the other. I had them sound out the word, then show me the sign. If they knew it, it went in the know pile. Otherwise we practiced the sign a few times. We went through about a dozen cards.

Then we moved to the swingset platform for our math game and a reading lesson.

Later in the day Prince got a piano lesson and started to work on his Manatee lapbook but didn't have my attention to help him so didn't get very far. We were planning to do history but didn't get to it.

At bedtime we read a chapter in Bridge to Terabithia, a biography of Jackie Robinson and a book from the Caldecott list.

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